CCAANZ Service of Ordination and Licensing Saturday 14 November 10 am at Latimer church, 12 Berwick Street. As well as ordaining two new clergy, Bishop Jay will be presenting the existing clergy with their licenses as vicars. You are all invited to attend this landmark event in the life of our new diocese.
Upcoming PreachersNext Sunday we are looking forward to Alan Fowler concluding our series on the Gospel of Matthew and Desiree Williamson-Lay preaching from Mark’s gospel on 29 November to commence the season of Advent.
Annual General Meeting, noon 29 November. Nomination forms are available for the election of a People’s Churchwarden and members of the Parish Council. We should have full reports and an agenda ready by next Sunday.
Anchor Christmas PartyIt would be great to see you with your whole whanau at 52 South Belt Rangiora at noon on 5 December. There will be fun, food (please bring either a salad or a dessert) and games aplenty. Andrew.
E4 Summer Camp Hanmer Springs 14-17 January
Be encouraged, energized and equipped, to enlarge the Kingdom.
GAFCON Australasia Conference Proclaiming Christ Faithfully to the Nations,19 to 22 July 2021, STANWELL TOPS (South of Sydney). Andrew and Christine are hoping to attend and invite others to join them.