If this is your first time attending an Anglican church, you may not be familiar with some of the rituals that form part of our worship service.  This guide should help you.


These are available off the corridor past the bar.


We do not have any reserved seats, except on special occasions. You may sit wherever you feel most comfortable. 


We love the sound and energy that children bring to Anchor. Any child who has been baptised or christened is welcomed to receive the bread and the wine. Unbaptised children may receive a blessing. Children’s activity sheets are also available.


Most of our members make regular contributions to cover all our expenses the via automatic bank payment. An offering bowl is available near the door for cash donations, but please do not feel obliged to contribute. 

Bible Readings 

One or more passages from different parts of The Bible will be read: The words of a congregational response will appear on the screen after the reading.

Sitting, standing, and kneeling

At Anchor, we stand during the songs and during the communion prayers.  At other times, we sit down. If you find standing for long periods is difficult, you are welcome to sit down.


Holy Communion (the Eucharist or the Lord’s Supper) is held fortnightly and is open to everyone who has been baptised (as an infant or otherwise) in any Christian denomination.  This is the remembrance meal Jesus instructed his followers to observe, and, thus, is restricted to committed believers and their baptised children. We usually come forward in a line to the bread (or wafer) and the wine with the people in the front rows going first and so forth in an orderly manner.  Place your open hands together to receive the bread. You may choose to receive the wine via intinction (dipping) or by sipping after eating the bread.  If you want to intinct the bread, please keep it clearly visible until the intinction cup is offered. After receiving the bread and wine you are welcome to light a prayer candle on the Lord’s table you may pause for reflection before returning to your seat. If you are not baptised, or just want to receive a blessing rather than receiving communion, please join the line and simply ask for a blessing and keep your hands at your side. If you are not baptised but are interested in following Jesus, we would love to talk with you about the faith and what baptism entails.

Prayer Ministry

At the end of the service confidential prayer is available for healing or any need you may have.


We meet at the nearby Zeroes Cafe for ongoing fellowship. If this is your first time please be our guest. A drink is on us.